Regulatory framework
All you need to know about legislation concerning tourist residences and apartment hotels.
A tourist residence is a type of classified commercial accommodation defined in Article D323-1 and 2 of the French tourism code (Code du Tourisme). It comprises furnished accommodation with hotel-grade services rented by the day, week or month.
Classification, based on a system of 1 to 5 stars, is awarded by Atout France, based on guidelines set out in the decree of 10 April 2019.
Safety regulations for tourist residences and apartment hotels were redefined in the decree of 25 October 2011: uniform establishments (i.e., single owner, single operator) are subject to French ERP type O safety regulations. Otherwise (notably in the case of co-ownership arrangements), establishments continue to be subject to the regulations previously set out in the decree of 30 January 1978 concerning collectively-managed leisure dwellings.
Since 1983, when tourist residences were first defined from a legal standpoint, access must be ensured to all areas, including communal areas. All dwellings must also be accessible for persons with reduced mobility (PRMs) and some dwellings have been fully refitted for use by one or a number of PRMs. For a long time, the proportion of PRM-compliant dwellings was around 5% however, the decree of 14 March 2014 increased this proportion to 10% along with a requirement to be also able to accommodate persons with visual, hearing or mental disabilities.
This sector has been covered by the French real estate collective bargaining agreement (Convention Collective de l’Immobilier) since 1996.
Mandatory signage in tourist residences and apartment hotels is summarised in a list drawn up by SNRT.
For residences sold under joint ownership arrangements, SNRT has drafted a Pre-Sale Information Booklet (Carnet d’Informations Préalables à la Vente) in liaison with property owner and developer federations and the DGE (French tax authorities – Enterprise Division).
Finally, the customary practices of the profession – which have legal status – are contained in a Summary of Terms and Conditions of Sale for SNRT members.